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Souvenir Mining Spoon Bowl, Chapin Mine, Iron Mountain, MI
Souvenir Mining Spoon Handle, Chapin Mine, Iron Mountain, MI
Souvenir Mining Spoon Reverse, Chapin Mine, Iron Mountain, MI
Standard Mine Mace ID 1912 Photo
Souvenir Ming Spoon Standard Mine Mace ID
  Souvenir Mining Spoon Standard Mine.jpg - SOUVENIR MINING SPOON STANDARD MINE MACE ID - Sterling silver spoon, 5 1/4 in. long, engraved mining scene in bowl, bowl marked STANDARD MINE, MACE IDA, handle front has floral decoration with dots down to the bowl, reverse is marked Sterling and maker’s mark of Codding Bros. & Heilbor company (C.B. & H, North Attleboro, MA. 1879-1918) [Opened in 1892, the Standard Mine was one of the more prosperous silver mines in Burke Valley near Mace, Idaho between the towns of Wallace and Burke in Shoshone County.  Like all towns in Burke Valley, Mace was subject to natural disasters.  The worst disaster was the avalanche of February 27, 1910, which destroyed the mine and most of the town.  Killing at least 20 people and injuring hundreds, Mace was left in ruins.  However the mine was a good producer so it was rebuilt along with Mace and continued operation for several more years.  Today, nothing is left of Mace.]  
Souvenir Mining Spoon Reverse Marking
Oronogo Mine photo ca 1901
Souvenir Mining Spoon Oronogo No. 1 Mine, Oronogo, Jasper Co.,  MO
Souvenir Mining Spoon Oronogo No. 1 Mine, Oronogo,  MO
Souvenir Mining Spoon Bowl Marking Oronogo No. 1 Mine, Oronogo, MO

Souvenir Mining Spoon Standard Mine | SOUVENIR MINING SPOON STANDARD MINE MACE ID - Sterling silver spoon, 5 1/4 in. long, engraved mining scene in bowl, bowl marked STANDARD MINE, MACE IDA, handle front has floral decoration with dots down to the bowl, reverse is marked Sterling and maker’s mark of Codding Bros. & Heilbor company (C.B. & H, North Attleboro, MA. 1879-1918) [Opened in 1892, the Standard Mine was one of the more prosperous silver mines in Burke Valley near Mace, Idaho between the towns of Wallace and Burke in Shoshone County. Like all towns in Burke Valley, Mace was subject to natural disasters. The worst disaster was the avalanche of February 27, 1910, which destroyed the mine and most of the town. Killing at least 20 people and injuring hundreds, Mace was left in ruins. However the mine was a good producer so it was rebuilt along with Mace and continued operation for several more years. Today, nothing is left of Mace.] Download Original Image
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